309.10-2-69 * 55 Main St
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Parcel Information:
Parcel | Location | Acres | Property Class | School District | Ward |
309.10-2-69 | 55 Main St | 0.12 | 620 - Religious | Queensbury Un.fr.sd | Ward 4 |
Owner Information:
Owner | Owner Address | P.O. Box | Owner Address Line 3 |
Pamela Riley | 52 Hall Rd | | Queensbury Ny 12804 |
Parcel | Assessed Land Value | Assessed Total Value | Uniform % | Full Market Value |
309.10-2-69 | 28,800.00 | 265,900.00 | 100.0% | 265,900.00 |
Sales Information:
Sale Date | Sale Price | Net Sale Price | Book | Page | Sale Type | Cond. Code | Arms Len. | Land Value TOS | Tot. Value TOS | Prior Owner |
11-06-24 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 7006 | 19 | Land & Building | Other | No | 28,800.00 | 265,900.00 | Community Chapel WGF, |
04-02-96 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 978 | 232 | Land & Building | Not Warranty | No | 19,500.00 | 166,100.00 | Troy Annual Conference, |
Site Information:
Site # | Nbhd Code | Sewer | Water | Utilities | Site Desire | Nbhd Type | Nbhd Rating | Road Type | Entry Type | Zoning Code |
1 | 408-Exit 18 - Main | None | Comm/ public | Gas& Elec | | | | | No entry | MS |
Land Information:
Site # | Land # | Type | Front | Depth | Acres | Sq Ft |
1 | 1 | 01-Primary | 0 | 0 | 0.12 | 0 |
Residential Building Information:
Commercial Building Information:
Site # | Bldg # | Section # | Boeck Model | Yr Built | Gross Floor | Bldg Perim | Stories | Wall A % | Wall B% | Wall C % |
1 | 1 | 1 | Church, 1sty Basic Design | 1900 | 1966 | 192 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 2 | Church, 1sty Basic Design | 1900 | 2732 | 396 | 2 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
Improvements Information:
Site # | Struct Code | Dim 1 | Dim 2 | SQ FT | # | Constr Grade | Overall Cond | Yr Built |
1 | RP4-Porch-enclsd | 0 | 0 | 63 | 1 | Average | Normal | 1990 |
Special District Information:
Special District | Units | Taxable |
EM001-Emergency medical | 0 | 265900 |
FP007-Fire protection | 0 | 265900 |
LB001-Crandall library dst | 0 | 265900 |
LT007-W.queensbury light | 0 | 265900 |
SE025-Gr Qsby Consolidated | 4.14 | 0 |
WT021-Qsby water exmpt. | 0 | 265900 |
Exemption Information:
Permit Information:
The information in the
RPS database is maintained by the Town of Queensbury Assessors Office