Parcel | Location | Acres | Property Class | School District | Ward |
301.7-2-38 | 14 Sylvan Ave | 0.35 | 210 - 1 Family Res | Queensbury | Ward 3 |
Owner | Owner Address | P.O. Box | Owner Address Line 3 |
Jacob S Loeb | 14 Sylvan Ave | Queensbury NY 12804 | |
Lauren Kay Latini | 14 Sylvan Ave | Queensbury NY 12804 |
Parcel | Assessed Land Value | Assessed Total Value | Uniform % | Full Market Value |
301.7-2-38 | 62,000.00 | 288,000.00 | 100.0% | 288,000.00 |
Sale Date | Sale Price | Net Sale Price | Book | Page | Sale Type | Cond. Code | Arms Len. | Land Value TOS | Tot. Value TOS | Prior Owner |
10-14-14 | 230,000.00 | 230,000.00 | 5058 | 29 | Land & Building | None | Yes | 34,500.00 | 161,700.00 | Buckingham, Sharon |
Site # | Nbhd Code | Sewer | Water | Utilities | Site Desire | Nbhd Type | Nbhd Rating | Road Type | Entry Type | Zoning Code |
1 | 162-OldSubdv,Rs,Rur | Private | Comm/ public | Gas& Elec | Typical | Suburban | Average | Improved | Inter Inspec | MDR |
Site # | Land # | Type | Front | Depth | Acres | Sq Ft |
1 | 1 | 01-Primary | 100 | 151 | 0 | 0 |
Site # | Bldg Style | # Stories | Ext Wall Mat | Yr Built | # Kit. | # Baths | # 1/2 Baths | # Bedrm | # Firepl |
1 | Cape Cod | 1.5 | Wood | 1964 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
Site # | Heat Type | Fuel Type | Central Air | Bsmt Type | Overall Cond | Constr Grade | SFLA |
1 | Hot wtr/stm | Gas | No | Full | Normal | Average | 1723 |
Site # | Struct Code | Dim 1 | Dim 2 | SQ FT | # | Constr Grade | Overall Cond | Yr Built |
1 | FC1-Shed-machine | 12 | 10 | 0 | 1 | Average | Normal | 1984 |
1 | LS1-Pool-st/vnyl | 10000 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Average | Normal | 1980 |
1 | RG1-Gar-1.0 att | 22 | 14 | 0 | 1 | Average | Normal | 1964 |
1 | RP2-Porch-coverd | 5 | 4 | 0 | 1 | Average | Normal | 1964 |
Special District | Units | Taxable |
EM001-Emergency medical | 0 | 288000 |
FP007-Fire protection | 0 | 288000 |
LB001-Crandall library dst | 0 | 288000 |
WT013-Queensbury water | 0 | 288000 |
Exemption | Amount | Term Year | Own Pct |
41854-BAS STAR | 32070 | 0 | 0 |
Permit Number | Permit Date | Permit Use | Cost Estimate |
0618-2017 | 10-03-17 | Wood fireplace insert living room. | 0.00 |
The information in the RPS database is maintained by the Town of Queensbury Assessors Office